2 Landing pages for Real Estate you need to have: Area and Community

What are the first and foremost goals of a real estate website? To capture leads and convert them into customers by offering the answer to their search.

Just presenting your listing offer is not enough to convince a visitor to leave his contact details with you. Wrap your offer in an engaging story in order to create a complete real estate product.

That means you should spend more effort in creating a robust content strategy for your website.

Along with your property page and contact details you should create other landing pages with stunning photography, engaging copy that offers relevant info about your business, client testimonials and your local community and market.

Many visitors search homes for sale in a specific area – this is the opportunity to get them to check your listing.

Creating area and community pages will show your business as a local expert and position yourself as the go-to realtor in your market.


What exactly are area and community pages?

Aria pages depict specific areas or neighborhoods within a city/ county where you have established your business.

A good description highlights the unique characteristics of the area creating a strong, appealing picture for prospective customers.

If your market is a broader region, you can build multiple area pages where you can delve into details about famous streets and neighborhoods.

Community pages focus on the market’s lifestyle and culture and offer interesting information on local happenings.

A community page keeps the visitor informed on customs and traditions, community festivals, local businesses, the jobs market, etc.

The community page should highlight the benefits of living in the community for your prospects.

If your customers are first time buyers, families with young children, they should be able to find info on aspects such as local schools, pediatricians, etc.

Whether area or community before presenting them to your visitors you need to come up with an SEO action plan starting with a keyword list.

Use tools Google’s Keyword Planner to determine if your area or community are subject of interest to your audience.

Both area and community pages need engaging content from compelling images videos to great copy and landing page optimization.

WpResidence and WpEstate allow you to create such pages with shortcodes, lists, text, newsletter form etc.


Area pages highlight relevant statistics and facts

Analyze your market to gather relevant info for your prospective customers, such as the types of properties that sell the most, the most famous streets and neighborhoods.

You can dig further and create a sales history for each neighborhood. Include some stats: the average age of your previous customers, their preferences in buying a property.

You can reach out to them and ask what they love about their new home and neighborhood. Describe in a bright and appealing tone the unique qualities of the properties, streets, and communities in your area.

The copy should be succinct, informative and include a call to action at the end of the page – may be a newsletter subscribing form to encourage visitors to receive more information.


Community pages focus on niche aspects of the market

This type of page has become a necessity as lifestyle conditions ponder significantly in a home buying decision.

To motivate potential buyers to highlight the best your community has to offer:

  • high performing schools,
  • shops,
  • eating places,
  • health centers,
  • recreational opportunities, and other factors

What makes the market appealing to homeowners will make it for future buyers. If you already know your customer well, you learned his lifestyle preferences.

Next, analyze the living conditions in the community and build the page around your customer’s habits and preferences.

If your home buyers are young professionals, focus your page on the market opportunities such as new startups or make a list of the best restaurants in town.


Create a great landing page

To get the best results with your real estate website is essential to have an excellent content and marketing strategy.

A great landing page includes critical elements that boost its performance such as a newsletter sign-up form.

This will ensure you get the contact details of your visitors and keep in touch with them.

Consider your area and community pages active parts of your website that needs regular updates.

Offer your potential buyers relevant articles on a specific topic with a link to your blog, or free guides on the home investment.

The area and community pages need promoting as well.

You can use email and social media marketing tools to share them with your audience.

Schedule newsletters and social media posts with links to your pages whether they are promoting a specific property listing or include excerpts on a particular blog topic.