WP Rentals theme allows you to monetize your website in 2 different ways (you can use both at the same time, or only one):
- A. By requesting payment for listing submission
- B. By demanding a payment (called admin service fee) for each booking to be confirmed
A. Request payment for listing submission
The theme supports free or paid listing submission. For Paid Submission, you can choose between Paid Listing or Membership based Submission.
1. Enable Paid by Listing option.
This allows you to set a price for the property to be published and an additional cost for the property to be featured.
A property added with paid submission enabled doesn’t expire.
A featured property will always show first in lists (properties list, search results, shortcode lists)
2. Enable Membership based submission
You have a free membership on registration with expiration for each free listing.
And you have paid membership packages (you can set different packages with different duration, number of listings and number of featured listings).
Each package has a different expiration date (in x days, weeks, months or years).
Admin always gets the money and payments supported for Paid and Membership based submission are:
- PayPal,
- Stripe and
- Wire transfer (offline payment where admin marks an invoice as paid after he confirms payment is received in his account).
- OR accept payments through any merchant supported by WooCommerce plugin – demo to see WooCommerce installed https://demo1.wprentals.org/
B. Request payment for listing bookings
Admin always gets the money for booking confirmations.
In this scenario, admin sets in theme options a global deposit value and (optional setting) the site service fee value.
Either of these can be in % or a fixed amount and apply to every booking request.
If the deposit is different than 0, the user submitting a booking request must pay that deposit before booking is confirmed.
For booking confirmations there are 2 scenarios:
- instant booking = without owner approval,
- manual booking approval process = with owner approval of the booking request.
But in both scenarios, the final step is for the user to pay the deposit asked for booking to be confirmed.
If the admin wishes to get just a % deposit of booking as his service fee and let remaining payment to be handled outside the theme, between user/owner he can do that.
In user dashboard – a confirmed booking will show the deposit paid and remaining balance to be paid. Paying the remaining balance through the theme to admin account is still possible, but not mandatory. The option can be removed with simple CSS if desired.