Why a blog is required for your vacation rental business

A vacation rental business thrives off of happy tourists enjoying their stay at your property. A good relationship with your customers is essential in this line of business. The mutual trust and respect are vital in this sense: as a property owner, you hope to find guests you can trust with your assets and travelers search for owners they can rely with their precious free time, money and even safety.

Keeping a blog is an excellent way to start connecting with your audience. It helps you highlight the human side of your business and show them you care for your customers. Vacation rental business is more about creating a memorable holiday experience and not just bookings and check-ins. Not yet convinced? Let me enlist the best reasons why you should start a vacation rental blog today.


1. Improves your website’s SEO

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a term that includes all elements (technical and creative) meant to increase visibility in search engines, drive traffic and improve rankings. For people to find your website and rent properties is essential to have, it optimized for search engines. One easy method to do this is through keeping an active blog.

Updating your blog regularly with text and visual content gives you the possibility to include keywords searched by your audience. In other words by addressing exciting topics for your potential customer results in growing traffic to your website.

If you keep posting unique and relevant content with new keywords, it will help Google better index your site and position you in the search results for related search terms.


2. Sparks interest for your business offer

Keep your blog fresh with useful or entertaining posts and allow your readers and potential guests to share what they read with their friends by adding social media buttons. This will not only grow your website’s visibility but will get endorsements as shareable and worthy to visit content.

It’s essential that you become active in social media and grow a community around your business. In this way, it will be easier for your audience to engage with you and share your posts. Promoting your business implies less talking about your offer and more writing about your customer. So it is up to you to experiment and find the best timing and frequency to post travel and vacation themed content to your social media pages.


3. Shows you as an expert in the market

You can use a blog to build authority in your market and rise above competitors. Provide your readers with information about the touristic area and a checklist of what they can visit, try and do.

They would typically have to scour the internet to gather all this info. Blog about the best restaurants and must-see traditional fairs, show the map to theme parks or hiking trails. If your guests are mostly families with children, tell them about fun activities for all members.

If you do this right, your blog will become a must-read guide for travelers in your area. Write articles that offer the needed details for a great vacation: tips for safe traveling, weather prognosis, local customs and you’ll soon become known as the expert in the area.


4. Provides extra details about your vacation home

It’s always a good idea to create an FAQ page that answers the most asked questions about your rental. This will save you time when dealing with a customer inquiry – you can always direct them to read more detailed information on your blog.

Not only will it save you time, rather than explaining the same things again and again to every inquirer, but having FAQ pages will also become an addition to having a guest book at your home. They’ll know where to look first if they have a question about the rental, hopefully before calling you in a panic!


5. Keeps your audience updated

With an active blog, you can keep your audience’s interest alive. Post frequently not as much as to publicize the latest about your rental but as to maintain your ‘local guide’ status. A well-maintained website will increase trust in your vacation business. By offering high-quality and consistent content proves that you are committed to the company and your customers.

We recommend that you publish posts periodically and it’s better not to have a blog at all if you can’t keep up with it. Guests who check out your blog and then notice that the last post was written years ago will be disappointed.


6. Generates leads and increases bookings

The more posts (and pages) a site has, the more leads it gets according to Hubspot. So to receive more reservations you must blog as often as you can.

The reason for a large volume of blogged content is that will grow your web visibility. This will increase chances to be found by potential guests who will feel encouraged to contact you and ask questions, leave comments or send emails directly. Hopefully, the new leads will convert to customers, and you will take more bookings for your vacation rental!


How to make a blog in Wp Rentals

As we said before, it’s easy to build your website with WP Rentals, and even easier to start your blog.

To create a blog list in WpRentals create a new page using Blog list template. Before adding any new post write a short paragraph of approx 100 words to describe your blog. Select your choices for title, header and sidebar settings.

For each blog post, you can choose between Revolution slider, Google map or Image header type. Our demo blog page includes a social media feed widget and the latest property listings in the right sidebar. Hit publish, and your blog is ready to be read by your future guests!

blog post example with WP Rentals

It’s easy to find excuses not to blog, but once you get the hang of it and receive feedback you will love it! If you find it hard to come up with fresh content your property vicinity is a rich source.

Your guests will want to read about the local lifestyle so take on this topic and create engaging lists: “10 best cafes in (the city)” or “5 best hiking trails in (the area)”. If they get first-hand info from a local point of view, your guests will be encouraged to book a vacation with you.