WpRentals 2.2 – Open Street Maps & Algolia Places

WP Rentals 2.2 theme update focuses on offering clients a new alternative to Google Maps and Google Places API.

For clients who are not aware, Google offers every new client a $200 monthly free credit to use their paid Google API products (Street View, Geocoding, Places).

The $200 monthly credit from Google given to each client can be used and will allow clients to keep using Google API options without paying extra if your site usage is within limits set by Google – see more here.


What is new in Wp Rentals 2.2

We have added Open Street Map as an alternative to Google Maps. Open Street Map is a free product at the moment.

Ex: Demo 1 from Wp Rentals Portfolio uses Open Street Map for map options (in the header, half map style page or single listing page)

If you enable this option, we recommend you to enter MapBox API to use their tile server for better speed.


Algolia Places API is the new alternative for Google Places (used in a search by autocomplete in location, in submit for City field, in Geolocation Radius search in Half Map).

Ex: We show this solution on RentaBoat demo https://rentaboat.wprentals.org/, but you can enable it for any demo from Wp Rentals Portfolio.

Algolia service is free within a specific number of requests per month – and becomes paid after your reach that limit. You can read more here https://community.algolia.com/places/pricing.html

Combinations possible:

  • Open Street Maps + Algolia Places
  • Google Maps + Algolia places (for autocomplete location with autocomplete in submit and advanced search, and geocoding search in half map)
  • Google Maps + Google Places API (for autocomplete location in the submit form and advanced search, geocoding search in half map). Please keep in mind that if you use Google Places, this option must exist on every page in order for all places options to work (search widget, search shortcode, mobile search, listing page). So each page accessed will count as 1 request to Google Maps API.
  • Open Street Map + theme location options (no places required)
  • Google Maps + theme location options (no places required).


About Google Maps API and their service

Google Maps API and their options cannot be matched 100% by any other competitor available now, and clients who wish to use their services can do that without any problems.

Here is the latest Google Announcement related to their API services and billing details (the usage refers to our WP Rentals demos that use the Google Maps API)

In June 2016, we announced a change to Maps JavaScript API requests. At that time, we gave you temporary free usage based on your consumption to ensure that your applications would continue to function. The services included in this transition period were: Elevation, Directions, Distance Matrix, Geocoding and Places.

We appreciate you as a loyal and long-standing customer. Our goal is to make sure everyone is on a simple, consistent, and scalable plan with Google Maps Platform. Starting on November 29, 2018, we will bill all your usage for Elevation, Directions, Distance Matrix, Geocoding and Places, according to our new pricing plan.

If your usage stays at its current level, you can continue using Google Maps Platform for free after November 29 – your current rate of usage is covered by our $200 free monthly credit. For more information, please read our FAQs.

Thank you for using Google Maps Platform.

Best Regards,

The Google Maps Platform Team


What Open Street cannot do, but Google Maps can

Open Street doesn’t support “Nearby Places” – the same as Google Maps can

Ex of a listing page with Google Maps and Google Places – https://main.wprentals.org/properties/modern-spacious-villa/


Open Street Map doesn’t support Street View, as Google Maps

Ex of a listing page with Google Maps and Street View Enabled