[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqJRHMMP2D0″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1524736469755{margin-top: 40px !important;margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]We are excited to announce the release of the new version of WP Residence theme -version 1.11.
The most important new features are listed below:
Email Customization Interface in Theme Options
An excellent new feature is that now you can quickly make changes in emails text content without editing code or installing a new plugin.
Admins can now edit the content of the emails from the back end.
Drop-down custom field type for property post
With the new version, we introduced the option to create drop-down custom fields. These can be used in the advanced search as it is displayed in below screenshot.
This option applies globally to all taxonomies and advanced search pages.
New Features for Advanced Search
Starting v 1.11, the following new features will be available in Advanced Search settings page:
• Drop-down custom fields added for properties can be added in Advanced Search – Custom Fields as well.
• Option to display bedrooms, rooms, bathrooms fields as drop-downs in advanced search – with custom fields enabled.
• Keyword search for Property Title in advanced search
This option can only work with Property title because we allow this field to work with AJAX search as well.
Our clients also asked this feature many times, and we added it because for us there’s nothing more important than building strong relationships with our clients and provide a quality product.
• Country Field displays as a drop-down in Advanced Search, if added
For those clients that wanted to use the theme for multi-country purpose, we have created this field as dropdown that can be used in Advanced Search. The list of countries syncs with the list of countries we added in the theme code. It is an independent drop-down.
Half map design for advanced search results and taxonomy pages
• Option to show Advanced Search results as a HALF MAP style
• Option to show Taxonomy Page as Half Map
Enabling Features and Amenities in Half Map
As we had a lot of requests, we have added half map design for advanced search and taxonomies pages. Features & Amenities show in this layout and can filter properties in results. We didn’t add the same filter for features and amenities in the map for speed reasons.
Additional Sort Options for Properties List
It applies to the (standard layout), Taxonomy Page (standard layout) and Advanced Search Results (standard layout)
Registration can be done with type password (option selected from Theme Options)
We have created a new type of registration form that allows users to type their own password. The admin can choose between the old register form or the new one.
A new page in User Dashboard – Invoices
In this new page, the template will list all invoices issued for the logged user.
This is only for information purposes – for a user to know what he paid and when.
➩ Automatic multi currency conversion values synced with Yahoo API
We have introduced the option to automatically sync through Yahoo Api the multi currencies values.